The New Evangelization
(For ministry leaders, parishes/parish staff, and the lay faithful)
Using his unique blend of personal stories and humor, Joe provides these presentations on a level that is easy to understand, practical and customized to your particular group.

What is the New Evangelization?
Early in his pontificate, Pope John Paul II clearly recognized several internal challenges facing the Church: Many Catholics no longer practicing their faith, a mass exodus leaving for other denominations and the ‘religions’ of society (secularism and materialism, e.g.) taking root in the hearts of still many others, just to name a few.
He called for the ‘New Evangelization.’ This new evangelization would not be ‘new’ in terms of utilizing social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc., though these are essential for evangelization. Neither would it begin with new initiatives to lands far, far away.
No, for John Paul II, the “NE” begins at home – within the Church and the lay faithful. It is a call to personal conversion through a life-changing, life-giving encounter with Jesus Christ followed by movement outward to the world. (Mt. 28:18)
In this presentation you will discover key elements of the NE and how it can awaken, transform and equip you in the abundant life and mission of the Church.
The Kerygma: What it is & Why it Matters
The word kerygma is a term unfamiliar to most Catholics and yet it is the very starting point of faith in Jesus Christ.
Kerygma refers to the initial and essential proclamation of the Gospel message which is an introduction and invitation to enter into a personal life-changing, life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ Himself. It opens the way to conversion and immersion into the life and mission of the Church.
But what is the content of the kerygma? What are its elements? What does it entail?
In this presentation you will gain a deeper understanding of why the kerygma is profoundly connected to and essential to a full, abundant and dynamic life of Faith! “
Evangelization in the Modern World (Pope Paul VI)
For many Catholics the topic of evangelization can be intimidating and challenging. It can seem vague or thought to be the exclusive work of priests and religious or others specially trained or gifted to do so.
Many do not realize that the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the answer to the deepest longings of every human heart. And in a world that is broken, bruised and battered, now as never before, each member of the Church is needed for this essential mission of the Church.
In this presentation we’ll look to what many have called ‘the magna carta’ of Catholic evangelization: “Evangelization in the Modern World” by Pope Pius VI. In this short yet rich document you will discover exactly what Catholic evangelization is while gaining clear understanding on the content of its message.
Preparing An Effective Personal Testimony
We are called to be a ‘light to the world’ and ‘salt of the earth’ and people do take notice.
Perhaps you’ve been asked, “You seem so joyful, calm (content, e.g.) – what is your secret?” In one instance a friend was asked by a co-worker: “Are you on drugs? You seem so happy all the time!” (It was the Holy Spirit.)
In Scripture, St. Peter tells us: “Should anyone ask you the reason for that hope that is in you, be ever ready to respond, but humbly and reverently.” (I Ptr 3:15)
That ‘response’ is called a personal testimony. A personal testimony is simply the Good News presented in terms of your own practical, lived experience. It is a brief personal story (3 min) sharing where your life and God’s action have intersected.
In this presentation you learn:
- Why a personal testimony is an irreplaceable tool for evangelization
- What to include and not include in your story
- How to equip and mobilize others with their testimony
Using an easy step-by-step approach, you’ll have your story ready to go!
Everyday Evangelization 101: You've Got This!
When you hear the word evangelization what images come to mind? Street preachers? Door knockers? Televangelists? Trained professionals? Popular speakers?
Well, here’s a thought… have you ever thought that you could evangelize in your ordinary, day-to-day life? Does that sound intriguing or do you feel slightly uncomfortable? Either way, no worries!
Everyday evangelization is easier than you think! You don’t have to ‘be’ any of those things mentioned above. All you have to be is you.
And the truth is that all around us are people who are in desperate need for God’s love. And you can be the vessel God uses in a way that is low key, comfortable yet influential. “How in the world am I supposed to do that?” you may be asking?
Great question! That’s what this presentation is all about. Whether this is completely new to you (100 level) or if you have some experience already (200+ level), you will leave better equipped and more confident in everyday evangelization. Yes, you can do it!
Find out more by Contacting Joe!
Bill Dill, Youth Ministry Events Coordinator
“I have known Joe Roueche for over twenty years. Joe is a friend, a local legend, a verifiable expert on youth ministry and a much sought after speaker. I have great respect for Joe, his experience and all he knows. He has spoken at countless parishes to youth and youth leaders alike and I have heard so many speak very highly of his teaching.
Evangelization, Conversion, Discipleship, Communication, Prayer and the Kerygma are just a few of the many areas Joe knows and knows well.”